People often ask, "What made you start selling parts?"
The answer is both short, and long.
Short version: I wanted to provide the best products available on the platform for my friends and customers.
Long version: As above, but also, this was the reasons why.
Having being involved in the Barra community for quite some time, and also carrying out my own personal Barra build, I was faced with many hurdles. Many of which were inferior parts sold to me as "Quality" parts.
During my own build, I had nearly every 'Brand' come across my bench. Some which I was happy with the quality, some which i was severely disappointed in.
I quickly became the go-to person locally with questions such as, "What brand oil pump gears should I get?" or "What timing chain kit do you recommend?"
These questions became so frequent that I documented everything in my notes app, with links, and would drop the link every time a question would be asked.
The problem I then found was that these parts I was recommending was so vastly spread across the different brands and suppliers that often people were ordering from 5-6 different places AND paying shipping for each part to be delivered.
This then became a joke among friends, "I should just combine all of these parts into the one platform",
This then became Prime Performance Parts.
I have hand selected each quality component from the leaders in the platform, with brands such as Process West, Plazmaman, Atomic Performance, Spool Imports, Boundary, ARP, Ross Performance, Side Design Fabrication, Kelford Cams and many more.
These are all manufacturers which I had previously held in my hand, fitted to my own vehicle and those belonging to good friends, and tested at length, which have satisfied my expectations of Quality components.
We pride ourselves on offering ONLY the BEST and ONLY QUALITY components, and will continue to do so.
Our values were built on quality components, and we will continue to provide that same quality to our customers.